Nutrition support for your every need
Save money on food
Manage your weight
Support health conditions
Promote general wellness
Save money on food
Whether you’re on a tight budget or just looking to save, your dietitian can help you make eating well affordable and assist you in registering for SNAP. Plus, in the FoodsMART food marketplace, you can find recipes that meet your budget, compare prices on groceries, and have food delivered to your door.
You can also check out our 12 week Money Saving Program.

Save money on food
Manage your weight
Support health conditions
Promote general wellness
What to expect from your Foodsmart experience
Your one-stop-shop for nutrition support that helps you reach your goals, on your time, and within your budget.

Meet your personal nutrition coach
Get personalized nutrition support from an expert registered dietitian, on your time, by phone or video. They’ll help you find a program that works for your unique health history, cultural and taste preferences, and goals. Ask your dietitian about opportunities to earn Foodsmart Bucks to save money on groceries.
Have delicious food delivered
See results and celebrate your journey
With regular visits customized to your program, your dietitian will help you continue to save money on food or meet your goals by supporting you as needed!
What to expect from your Foodsmart experience
Your one-stop-shop for nutrition support that helps you reach your goals, on your time, and within your budget.
Meet your personal nutrition coach
Get personalized nutrition support from an expert registered dietitian, on your time, by phone or video. They’ll help you find a program that works for your unique health history, cultural and taste preferences, and goals. Ask your dietitian about opportunities to earn Foodsmart Bucks to save money on groceries.
Have delicious food delivered
See results and celebrate your journey